newarrivaltoaustralia 2017-09-08T06:16:29+00:00

New arrival to Australia

So you are sparkling with excitement by your  move to Australia, radiating energy and positivism relishing the new experience that awaits you in Australia.The euphoria is mesmerizing, new culture, new environment and possibly a prettier means to fatten your purse, taking better employment opportunities in Australia. But watch out that you don’t drown in the frenzy forgetting some of the fundamental preparations, else move to Australia may be one decision that gets a bucket of tears gushing from your eyes when your memory floats across it. What fundamental preparation are we painting with words here?

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Settling in Australia: Housing and employment in Australia

Life in Australia is extremely refreshing. Australia has a wide spectrum of pleasures waiting eagerly for you. Right from the barbecues, the parties, the beach. Settling in Australia is something you could go crazy for. Such an experience for your memory to eternally hug tight to.

However in all your beaming smiles of settling in Australia, you shouldn’t forget that the volume of fun and relish you seek in Australia would only come when you properly settle in Australia, that it you have the financial muscles to adequately settle down and make Australia your home comfortably. For this you will need to have a well-informed idea of what settling in Australia would cost you and your choice lifestyle. Having a good job is essential, another is having a good place to keep your head, having a befitting place to stay. It is important you appropriately blend your accommodation cost into your earnings, same with other essentials you will need.

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A job in the engineering field in Australia shouldn’t fetch you less than a hundred thousand dollars every month. A job in the legal field should fetch you minimum of $90,000 every year. On the other hand, a job in banking and accounting should get you about $70,000 on an annual basis while a job in the arts should reimburse you with about $60,000 every year.  So you already have a sniff idea of what you stand to get from your job. So let us move straight to what a house would cost if you are settling in Australia in one of its famed cities.

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So diving into housing in Australia we see that there is a variety in the cost of houses based on the city. Such variation is understandable given that every city presents different extent of economic opportunities, some thriving more than others. Thus looking at the various rental places in Australia we see that while a house in Sydney will cost you $500 to stay in every week, a house in Darwin costs an average of $550 as a weekly rental. You can get a house a $340 a week a Adelaide, $360  every week will get a cool house in Melbourne  and $320 in Hobart. It is relatively less expensive when you rent a unit.

If alternatively you prefer buying a home upon settling in Australia, on a general the price is $470,000 in Australia. Delving into the cost details of the individual cities, you will see that while a house in Sydney may go as high as $555,000. A house in Adelaide will go for $37000 on a purchase.

So that it is! It is good that you have a general  idea of housing in Australia  so you could sew your plans according to your cloth knowing which cities would fit you best. Once again, a little party never kill no body. Australia has got a lorry load of fun waiting for you!

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Settling in Australia: An overview of the Australian transport system

Settling in Australia is a beautiful experience. Australia is one large nation overflowing with beauty and opportunities. Australia is sewn extensively from many towns and a host of cities as well. Some of these towns are adjoined by stupendous distances. This makes transportation one of the chief infrastructure of the Australian economy. It is a joy to behold how Australia is welded together by a jolly navigation network upon settling in Australia. So let us take a peep at how these transport systems work in Australia.

First settling in Australia will need you to have an idea of how the public transport works. Quite simply though. Public transport in Australia encompasses trains, ferries, buses and all that. This is admirably organized as you are required  to be well punctual catching your tickets as well as booking your prepaid tickets. This is very orderly as you are barely likely to come against a scrambling conundrum of travelers at public transport stations. But in the strict orderliness, Australia reserves a place for virtue and respect hence you are like to see preferential treatment for the elderly, the pregnant ones, the disabled travelers. Such fluid system eases the rigor of settling in Australia.

Settling in Australia, you will see that every territory (or state as the case may be) in Australia operates its personalized ticketing system. With technology well sprinkled across every sector in Australia, you could see many transport operators preferring electronic cards. At the discounted end, you could make arrangements for  monthly, or weekly fares. These days operators are advocating for more adoption of monthly and weekly forms of ticketing. This is aimed at chopping down on the chunk of time expended on buying fares when you want to start your journey.

There are also the options of taxis for your transportation. These taxis however operate under private ownership. Of course for their flexibility and increased comfort, taxis would come of at larger cost when put against your normal everyday public transport. A good number of cities in Australia have  comprehensive taxi companies where you can at your convenience book a taxi. To do this, it is via the normal procedures of calling them, messaging them or even mailing them. On the other hand settling in Australia, you will easily get acquainted with the less bureaucratic procedure of quickly hailing a taxi by the side of the road. Of course a taxi shows he is up for service when the light on the top of his car is glaring.

On the personal end, many Australians simply have their own cars whose services they deploy for traveling about. The authorities here in Australia don’t joke with your driver license and its validity. Road regulations here also are sacred and most be strictly abided to.

In all that is the overview of the transport system in Australia. It wouldn’t take you a heck of brains to get integrated into how it works simplifying your process of settling in Australia. So guess you have been beaming many  involuntarily smiles since you came to Australia. It is not your fault either, Australia is charming!

Settling in Australia: An overview of the Australian communications

Welcome to Australia. Of course you should have seen the beauty of Australia. You must have been all smiles for finally making your dream of settling in Australia. Well the hospitality of Australia has never been in doubts, the question however is if you would be able to unwrap yourself, step out from your introverted self into the sprawling beauty Australia has waiting for you. These are some tips on that will make it easier for you settling in Australia.

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First you are in a new environment. Communication is of the essence to getting immersed in your environment and getting into the Australian life proper. English language is the predominant language in Australia and trying to polish your English language understanding will go a handsome length in allowing you easily mix with your society and share happy moments with them. One way to improve your English language outside taking learning classes is watching TV as much as possible.  You could complement your learning process by also reading newspapers in English language. Don’t feel your grasp of English is not smooth enough, try to speak it and communicate in it as much as possible with people.  Perfection  is a grandson of practice.


Settling in Australia and feeling at home means feeling at home with your society. This will submerge you in your society integrating you into their way of life. This way you as an Indian will not feel like a fish out of water in Australia. Consciously try to mingle with people, deliberately try to partake in social activities in your environment. Make friends readily even volunteering to a community group. You can join mentoring program.  You can meet with people regularly allowing them to infest you with their culture and positive way of living. This way you will not really feel odd as you go on in the process of settling in Australia.

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Australia is a very happy place but don’t forget it is still humans that stay there. Some of them with individualistic perspectives that may not necessary fit yours. But don’t Tips that will help you easily settle in Australia  reluctant to reach out to them and don’t feel bad if some of them don’t return your conviviality. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes either. It is all legally part of the process of settling in Australia.

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Lastly you need to need to find a  healthy balance between work, exercise and diet.  This is important as people can be easily overwhelmed by the capsizing pressure of moving to a new place.  To properly settle  in Australia, you will need a balanced diet of exercise, good meal, work and family. This will arm you with good mental and metabolic well being. Have a lovely life in Australia!

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