Indian connection – Media

Indian connection – Media

Indian connection is thankful for the encouragement it received through nomination of Daily telegraph Fair Go competition 2015 ,it’s just a tiny step towards achieving a collaborative ‘One Indian Community in Oz’helping each other to flourish in the ‘New country’.Our aim is to enable every Indian in Australia with resources to  flourish and achieve their dream to settle down in Australia.In the last decade the number of Indian coming to Australia has increased .We have noticed considerable collaboration among Indian in Australia in there smaller groups and cultural community.Indian connection strives to takes this collaboration to wider ethnic group in Australia.

Our aim is to be a platform where newcomers find the value in sharing information and work together in a collaborative environment in Australia

Hear what Australian media are saying about us-click the below picture to view details

 Champion of the west competition

By | 2017-12-31T12:28:14+00:00 March 8th, 2015|alltestimonials|0 Comments

About the Author:

During our co-founders initial days in Australia he has experienced struggle to find cheap accommodation,job,genuine support and some times ignorance from my own fellow Indians. While his experience is not unique but he wanted to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else.He bring with him 16 years of rich experience working with Global corporations both in India & Australia.Our founder aim through this portal is to support Indian travelers to Australia for migration, education, work and travel, minimizing the cultural change impact while providing tangible cost benefits.

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