How to find Job in Australia

How to find Job in Australia

Visit Australian job websites before deciding to apply for jobs in your field.

Make sure to check the eligibility of the jobs.

Apply for a working or residence visa, this is a necessity for most of the job vacancies in Australia. Start applying for job vacancies from overseas.

Prepare your C.V. (résumé) and letter of application in the Australian style (in a cold manner).

Provide your employer a possible Australian postal code, phone number and email address.

Be available for interviews through Skype calls or face-to-face.

Make a positive impression in interviews.

Keep in mind that most job offers aren’t advertised to the media so it is important to have contacts in companies.

If you do not receive a confirmation of your submission, contact the human resources department for a follow-up.

Take note:

Don’t hesitate to contact the company if you have not received a response within a couple of weeks. This is common practice in Australia, and considered as a demonstration of your enthusiasm.

Don’t expect the same salary or more than you had overseas. The cost of living and income tax rates are lower in Australia than some other western developed nations, so look at your net income, not the gross amount.

Don’t expect a job offer in the first week. On average, it can take local resident Australians 1 – 8 weeks or longer to find a new job.

Check your job alerts every day. There are always new jobs posted and you should be the first one to know. Remember, in neuvoo we post thousands of new jobs every day; one of those could be your dream job! Land it today!


Your job search starts here:  United Arab Emirates | Argentina | AustriaAustralia | BelgiumBahrain | Brazil | Canada | Switzerland | Chile | Colombia | Czech Republic | Germany | Egypt | Spain | France | UK  | Greece | Hong Kong |  HungaryIndonesia | Ireland | India | Italy | JapanKuwait | Kazakhstan | LuxembourgMorocco | MexicoMalaysia| Nigeria | Netherlands  | Norway | New Zealand| Oman | Peru | Poland | Portugal | Qatar | Romania | Russia | Saudi Arabia |Sweden | Singapore | Turkey | Taiwan | Ukraine | USA | Venezuela | South Africa |

By | 2017-09-20T05:30:48+00:00 November 10th, 2016|INDIAN JOB CONSULTANTS, Job Consultant News|4 Comments

About the Author:

During our co-founders initial days in Australia he has experienced struggle to find cheap accommodation,job,genuine support and some times ignorance from my own fellow Indians. While his experience is not unique but he wanted to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else.He bring with him 16 years of rich experience working with Global corporations both in India & Australia.Our founder aim through this portal is to support Indian travelers to Australia for migration, education, work and travel, minimizing the cultural change impact while providing tangible cost benefits.


  1. shilpa smith December 20, 2016 at 9:07 am

    Very important to remember is to learn Australian views and values. I have lived in Australia for nearly 11 years and very early on I learnt that if you show more interest in local culture and learn to speak English very well, you can assimilate very quickly. I wish I had someone to guide me back then about local culture. I also wish I had some guidance about local courses and which ones would lead to better job opportunities. That is why I became a training manager and now would like to help fellow Indians to land their dream job. Career coach

  2. Indianconnection December 29, 2016 at 8:09 am

    Thanks Shilpa for your comments.Indian connection, offers a range of services targeted towards supporting Indian seeking settlement in Australia.We invite you who are experts in the field of migration,relocation,Forex exchange, cultural orientation, career coaches, job consultants, real estate to come join our portal and we are happy to publish your services on here alternatively if you can Advertise your business on our website .We just not advertise your business on our website but market it through our other market channels like Facebook ,twitter.
    We also write professional blog for your business on our website to give that extra edge to your next marketing campaign.Talk to us today at +61401318439.

  3. Arti Sharma March 15, 2017 at 11:02 am

    My name is Arti and am MBA . Here am writing regarding My husband who is a Mechanical Engineer & having 8 yrs experience .In India he was working as Asst. Manager with Yamaha Motors . we just have shifted to Melbourne and now he is looking for job. But we are not getting any assistance and if any body here can help us or assist us i will be very great full.

  4. Indianconnection April 13, 2017 at 4:38 am

    Thanks Arti for connection.Please send your husband updated resume to for further guidance thanks

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