Loosen up as you discover

It’s been a semester now, four months that I have moved to Sydney; I now call this city my home.

Being an Indian, I would say survival here is easy. We face a lot more on an everyday basis in India than we do here. The challenge is in breaking inhibitions, overcoming mental blocks, giving up on comfort levels, and eventually discovering oneself in the process.

But this article is not about my struggle. I am way past writing about that. This is a lot more positive. This is to help newbies adjust to the million aspects of living that we discover as independent souls here.

One aspect at a time, I talk about finding a new ‘home’. As a student, I ask first timers to find a temporary place before they arrive in Sydney, look at places on arrival and then choose something of their liking. The reason being, in India, we are used to a very plush,polished lifestyle. Comfort levels here are way below our lifestyles. Finding a place that suits comforts and gives positivity while balancing the exorbitant cost is a task.

When I came here first, I inspected almost a dozen places before choosing mine.When I move next, I am ready to further give up on comforts to save a little more money. There are a lot of online portals for renting rooms, with options of furnished, unfurnished, private rooms, shared rooms, and the like.

Adjusting to a day without domestic help- very difficult I say. It feels as though all we do every day is cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping groceries and household stuff, and tire out of this. Days feel shorter with University pressures and casual work adding to the burdens.And then where’s the time for the next season of Suits or Sacred Games?

From experience,it is a matter of time. I have learnt balancing all my tasks and even make time for a frequent pint of beer with friends.

Finding work to cover living costs is another challenge. Believe me, I have cribbed about this the most. But time is the essence again. I sent some thousand applications online, in vain.The week I arrived, a friend of mine who has settled in Sydney before me told me, “You are a lot better than any of us if you manage to find work within two months.”

Over time, I realized this is true. Getting licenses to be able to work at various places and then finding a job did take me about two months.

In India, we do not realize that it takes so much to live alone in a land away. A foreign land does give us a sense of the competitive, brutal world that we live in, to put it in a harsh way.But then come to think of it, it isn’t as bad as I put it. I have loved every bit of my way through all of these initial challenges, and I believe all newbies will, too.

By | 2018-08-28T12:46:19+00:00 August 28th, 2018|AUSTRALIAN SETTLEMENT GUIDES|0 Comments

About the Author:

During our co-founders initial days in Australia he has experienced struggle to find cheap accommodation,job,genuine support and some times ignorance from my own fellow Indians. While his experience is not unique but he wanted to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else.He bring with him 16 years of rich experience working with Global corporations both in India & Australia.Our founder aim through this portal is to support Indian travelers to Australia for migration, education, work and travel, minimizing the cultural change impact while providing tangible cost benefits.

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