The Newbie through her dream
Writing this article seems so dreamy; takes me back to being someone much like Aisha Bannerjee (Konkona Sen Sharma) from Wake Up Sid! Remember the article she writes, “A New Girl in the City”? This one is a lot like that one.
I remember shuffling my luggage around back in India, wanting to take my life to Sydney,yet struggling to fit in the 40 + 7 kg in my cases to avoid paying the extra luggage charge,like we Indians do. At that time, Sydney was this dark void in my head, some underground hole like thing, that I was about to take a leap into.
But then, Sydney has all been about sweet accords to me; way far from the dark hole of my imagination. I have lived every new student’s ‘new city struggle’ here , then be it finding my way around the city, going on dreaded house-hunting trips, looking for work to sustain myself, or struggling with University. Fortunately, Sydney is so much similar to Mumbai; the fast-paced life, cultural and linguistic diversity, multitude of people, the public transport system, and the never-ending expenses.
But I must say, this place so far has been so giving; it has given me a new-found independence,something that India couldn’t have offered.As I get lost in thought and the time that I have spent here through these four months, I wonder how I miss mentioning the people I met here. ‘Friends’ is too cosmetic a word to mention people I met here. They have grown to be my family, for me through thick and thin.
They say, a place grows onto you… I’d say it’s the place and the encounters that have made me gel into this place, I now call home.
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