Ways to land a job in Australia

Ways to land a job in Australia

Do you dream about working in Australia but aren’t sure how to get your first break?

Just like you many people have come to Australia from different parts of the world bringing with them unique set of skills.

Our Job consultants through our extensive research have come up with some tips for Indian wishing to find job in Australia.

Australia is considered a lucky country for decades for newcomers since its inception and importing workers from oversees to work here is a norm. This importation of workers in Australian government terminology is called ‘Migration’. In order to increase its man power yearly Australia government does the necessary due diligence to decide how many new comers of varied skills they might require. It varies from permanent vs temporary migration where as people granted a permanent visa can land in Australia without a job in hand and start their settlement journey to Australia onshore. However, temporary visa can be a various type and some of which can provide working rights in Australia. For example, if you are on student visa you can work limited hours per week whereas on tourist visa you have no work rights.

In recent past Australian government had introduced most controversial 457 visas similar to H1 Visa in USA to assist Australian business leverage global skillset. Many Indian of various skillset landed in Australia through this temporary visa for few years and eventually finding pathways to permanent visa.

Our job consultants tips align to the above commentary for  Indian trying to find a job in Australia.

->Know your skills thoroughly and make sure they match the current requirement of Australia migration requirement.

List of eligible skilled occupation: – https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Work/Work/Skills-assessment-and-assessing-authorities/skilled-occupations-lists

The list of eligible skilled occupation is the latest one applicable from 1st July 2017 and does change almost every year or even 6 monthly. So, depending whether your skill set matches these requirements you need to take appropriate action accordingly. Make sure you read the above thoroughly before reaching to a conclusion.

->Be willing to build a network and confirm your skills through above from a registered migration agent

While it is just a starting point to finding a job in Australia it is necessary that appropriate due diligence is taken to build network, resume, cover letter & Linked profile to make sure employers looking for your skills will find you sooner then later  & sponsor you. In case you really want to be 100% sure register your interest on the

Skillset website of Australia migration: https://skillselect.gov.au/SKILLSELECT/ExpressionOfInterest/PreReg/Star

The other source to find information about business and employment in various states and territories is available on the following Australia state websites

ACT-Canberra – http://www.canberrayourfuture.com.au/

NSW -Sydney –http://www.industry.nsw.gov.au/

NT  – Darwin –https://business.nt.gov.au/

QLD – Brisbane https://migration.qld.gov.au/

SA – Adelaide http://www.migration.sa.gov.au/

Tasmania -Hobart https://www.migration.tas.gov.au/

Victoria – Melbourne http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.gov.au/visas-and-immigrating#.WW1T9IiGPIU

Western Australia – Perth http://www.businessmigration.wa.gov.au/

->Take risks and be patient.

If you really want to land a job in Australia patience always helps along with the capability of taking risks. Having the confidence in your skills and not taking ‘No’ for an answer. The journey of landing a job in Australia initially would look difficult however with appropriate time and energy put in its not difficult. From our job consultants experience its just a matter of time until you land a job. May be you end up working for an Australian company in India initially and send for project work in Australia. The options are enormous and if you aren’t sure you can always talk to our consultants.


Reference Links :-



Knowing job market before applying migration to Australia

Knowing job market before applying migration to Australia


By | 2017-07-18T09:35:05+00:00 July 18th, 2017|INDIAN JOB CONSULTANTS, Job Consultant News|2 Comments

About the Author:

During our co-founders initial days in Australia he has experienced struggle to find cheap accommodation,job,genuine support and some times ignorance from my own fellow Indians. While his experience is not unique but he wanted to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else.He bring with him 16 years of rich experience working with Global corporations both in India & Australia.Our founder aim through this portal is to support Indian travelers to Australia for migration, education, work and travel, minimizing the cultural change impact while providing tangible cost benefits.


  1. Deepak June 18, 2018 at 8:04 am


  2. Indian connection June 18, 2018 at 10:36 am

    HI Deepak how can we help

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