Searching jobs in Australia
A normal trend if you are in the market to search jobs in Australia is visiting popular website online and hoping the recruiter will call back.However the matter of the fact is once you apply a job you might be lucky enough to even get any sort of communication back from the recruiter whether through a phone call or an email.
The best you can except is an automated email of acknowledgment that they have received your application and that they will get in touch.No one seems to touch base.The standard response a month after ‘you have put in the application’ is ‘the role has been filled or client as pulled the role’. At times this is annoying and not motivating at all.It doesn’t help genuine applicant looking for job let alone new migrants to Australia who are keen to enter workforce to gain local experience & seek some feedback.
While from the recruitment agent perspective at times they would receive many applications for jobs they have advertised and there is no way they can go through all the application.It probably very disappointing and a lot of flicking and deletion of resume of there behalf.
How does a new job seeker win in such situation.
While some would say go directly to the company when applying for jobs which would bypass the recruiter as the internal company teams don’t care of making their budget,they care of genuine candidate filling the role.This scenario is helpful and positive results can be achieved.But always make sure in order to achieve optimum result you need to be able to make the first impression count.What that means is ‘Keeping your resume and cover letter upto mark to the Australian standards.’
Few company website worth trying
If you are going to recruiter make sure you follow up once you have put in the application and try to build a relationship with them to know more about the role and company profile.This will give an idea whether they have any ongoing relationship with company.
Few recruitment agencies worth trying
Message from founder
As the founder of Indian connection, Viv is passionate about simplifying the
process associated with Indian moving to Australia.Having launched Indian connection in July 2014 and made a move to Australia in 2002, Viv continues to share resources and support for those looking for assistance ,Indian connection.If you have a question,please post in the comments field.
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