International student seeking support

International student seeking support 24 year old Indian International student seeking support from Indian community in Australia. Suffering multiple organ failure due to Mushroom poisoning,she is currently being hospitalized in Prince Alfred Hospital. The dilemma of the situation is that she doesn't have access to Medicare and no medical insurance to support her ongoing medical treatment [...]

Indian newcomer to Australia

Opportunity to speak out and make a difference. An Australia University student is seeking feedback preferably from an  Indian newcomer to Australia to study/work/live and is having or has recently had a difficult time assimilating in Australia. This can mean finding a job, finding a community to connect with, etc. “I would love it if [...]

Sending money to India from Australia

Sending money to India from Australia If you are newcomer to Australia and want to send money to India, then familiarizing yourself with the terms like exchange rates, current conversion charges, transfer charges ,time to transfer can help you make a better decision to compare the  different ways to transfer money to India and getting [...]

By | 2017-12-30T10:00:42+00:00 August 24th, 2014|AUSTRALIAN SETTLEMENT GUIDES, Job Consultant News|Comments Off on Sending money to India from Australia

Show you are willing to be one of the desi mates

Show you are willing to be one of the desi mates Indian Connection Proud Supporter of 2nd Annual Showtime by Firangi Paani in association with Microrentals presents warmly invites its readers to The Bollywood Style Moulin Rouge on Friday, 5th September 2014 from 7:30pm till Midnight at Parravilla Function Centre. As a good will gesture we are offering a  $10 off to our readers valid [...]

By | 2017-12-30T10:05:36+00:00 August 23rd, 2014|INDIAN EVENTS AUSTRALIA, Job Consultant News|Comments Off on Show you are willing to be one of the desi mates

Alternative ways to earn Australian dollars

Alternative ways to earn Australian dollars While your day Job would be the ideal source of continuous  income,there are alternative ways to earn Australian Dollars in the interim while you are looking for a Job in Australia. This is not an idea of getting rich quickly but with due persistence, in long term definitely helps in [...]

By | 2017-05-09T10:04:49+00:00 August 18th, 2014|AUSTRALIAN SETTLEMENT GUIDES, Job Consultant News|Comments Off on Alternative ways to earn Australian dollars

Roshni Sydney newcomer testimonial

Roshni  Sydney newcomer testimonial Getting PR in hand and moving to Australia for job was a dream I had. I got lucky and got job before moving to Australia itself. With all the excitement, there was some worry that how I would settle all alone in new unknown place. I started looking for shared houses, [...]

By | 2017-12-31T12:02:00+00:00 August 16th, 2014|alltestimonials|Comments Off on Roshni Sydney newcomer testimonial

Celebrating Indian Independence Day Australia

Taking place on August 15th every year, Indian Independence Day commemorates the end of three century -long British rule over India. Indian Independence Day is typically celebrated by Indian around Australia by attending ceremonies conducted by Indian consulate around different states in Australia, where families get together, sing the national anthem and pay respect to [...]

By | 2017-01-14T09:54:59+00:00 August 12th, 2014|AUSTRALIA INDIAN NEWS IN AUSTRALIA, Job Consultant News|Comments Off on Celebrating Indian Independence Day Australia