How to find accommodation in Australia

How to find accommodation in Australia One of the key requirements of Indian moving to Australia is How to find accommodation in Australia. Each individual has their specific requirement and sometimes special needs. Some prefer staying with Indian in Australia where as some would love to stay with Australian to get a firsthand experience into [...]


BEST PLACE TO LIVE IN AUSTRALIA FOR INDIAN Living in Australia can be an amazing experience for Indian. Although, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world with over 3 million square miles, it has a population of about 21 million people, which make certain that natural beauty take over suburban landscapes and particularly [...]

Rental accommodation: Choose wisely or face the music

Rental accommodation: Choose wisely or face the music Opt wisely while searching for rental apartment or accommodation on foreign land, as imprecise selection can land you in trouble. I went through a challenging experience, when I landed in Australia for the first time in the year 2002. That bitter experience prompted me to share my [...]

Best place to live for Indian in Sydney

Best place to live for Indian in Sydney Sydney is an important entry point for many Indians new arrivals to Australia due to variety of reasons. More job opportunities, high number of education institution and business attract Indian migrants to Sydney. Its Australia’s largest and most internationally recognised city, so often believed to be the [...]

Accommodation options for Indian moving to Australia

Accommodation is one of the main concerns for Indian moving to Australia. Whether you are a visitor, student, a recent immigrant you definitely need accommodation and since it is one of the main expenses you need to know your options. There are different types of accommodation available in addition to rental accommodation in Australia. 1)Home stay [...]