Calling two countries home can be confusing

Calling two countries home can be confusing Ever heard your kids born in Australia asking you ‘Am I an Australian or Indian?’ A dilemma which not only haunts a lot of new Indian migrants while settling in Australia, it’s a major question for our first generation Indian Australians. Calling two countries home can be confusing [...]

Sydney harbour bridge an Indian perspective

Sydney harbour bridge an Indian  perspective Bridge is an invitation for people to move toward one another and to connect. It's refreshing and symbolic at many levels. Because of the diaspora of nations among us it becomes all the more important to keep building bridges and cherishing them. Aditi  A passionate Storyteller

How to find accommodation in Australia

How to find accommodation in Australia One of the key requirements of Indian moving to Australia is How to find accommodation in Australia. Each individual has their specific requirement and sometimes special needs. Some prefer staying with Indian in Australia where as some would love to stay with Australian to get a firsthand experience into [...]