Loosen up as you discover

It’s been a semester now, four months that I have moved to Sydney; I now call this city my home. Being an Indian, I would say survival here is easy. We face a lot more on an everyday basis in India than we do here. The challenge is in breaking inhibitions, overcoming mental blocks, giving [...]

By | 2018-08-28T12:46:19+00:00 August 28th, 2018|AUSTRALIAN SETTLEMENT GUIDES|0 Comments

The Newbie through her dream

The Newbie through her dream Writing this article seems so dreamy; takes me back to being someone much like Aisha Bannerjee (Konkona Sen Sharma) from Wake Up Sid! Remember the article she writes, “A New Girl in the City”? This one is a lot like that one. I remember shuffling my luggage around back in [...]

By | 2018-08-04T10:35:03+00:00 August 4th, 2018|AUSTRALIAN SETTLEMENT GUIDES|0 Comments