Airport pickup at Sydney airport

Airport pickup at Sydney airport Australia is one of the key services which Indianconnection provides to its clients. Through this service Indianconnection consultants meet and greet the newcomer at Sydney and drop them safely to their new home. During the whole process from Airport to home Indian connection consultant makes sure the client is up [...]

Best place to live for Indian in Sydney

Best place to live for Indian in Sydney Sydney is an important entry point for many Indians new arrivals to Australia due to variety of reasons. More job opportunities, high number of education institution and business attract Indian migrants to Sydney. Its Australia’s largest and most internationally recognised city, so often believed to be the [...]

Rapid fire your career in Australia

This is an exclusive invitation for all our past and present ‘Indian New comers to Australia’ in Sydney for assistance with your settlement journey. If despite your impressive qualification and relevant experience, you are facing unemployment, then this workshop is for you. It’s a unique opportunity to connect with careers coaches, Industry experts, Mentors from [...]

By | 2017-01-14T10:06:33+00:00 February 7th, 2015|INDIAN JOB CONSULTANTS, Job Consultant News|2 Comments

A guide for Indian travelling to Australia

A guide for Indian travelling to Australia It’s been a while since I came to Australia now and with time flying away (13 years now); my only fear was that I might lose touch with India and its people. So I came up with an idea of helping out Indian community through my website Indian [...]