Exchanging Australian dollar

Exchanging Australian dollar When you are flying to Australia, buying Australian dollar from a wrong place can cost you as much as a dinner for two at a good restaurant. Studies show that scores of unwary travelers each year end up paying on an average more than $200 extra during currency exchange at the airport’s [...]

By | 2017-12-31T04:22:18+00:00 April 28th, 2016|AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION, Job Consultant News|2 Comments

Ten Popular Retail Shops In Australia

Ten Popular Retail Shops In Australia Last year around 16.5 million Australians shopped at one or more shopping centers in an average four week period. In a survey nearly half of all Australians agreed to the fact that they will go out of their way to search for a bargain. No wonder many big brand [...]

Changing Indian Currency Australian Dollar

Changing Indian Currency Australian Dollar When you are flying to Australia, buying Australian dollar from a wrong place can cost you as much as a dinner for two at a good restaurant. Studies show that scores of unwary travelers each year end up paying on an average more than $200 extra during currency exchange at [...]

Finding sponsored job Australia

Finding sponsored job in Australia Finding a job from overseas is tough task and if it’s a sponsored job, it’s even tougher. Nevertheless, Australia welcomes migrants with valuable skills and qualification. So it’s important that you maintain a realistic approach and understand that you may not land your dream job right away. Finding a sponsored [...]

By | 2017-01-14T10:05:10+00:00 April 25th, 2016|INDIAN JOB CONSULTANTS, Job Consultant News|4 Comments

Sponsorship jobs in Australia

Sponsorship jobs in Australia Each year scores of oversees aspirants come and work in Australia.Over last few years Australia recruitment companies have emerged  to become a full fledged career solution company by offering variety of career specialised services such as Australian resume making,Australian interview preparation.Indian connection is one of the best example of such career [...]

By | 2017-12-31T04:24:49+00:00 April 10th, 2016|INDIAN JOB CONSULTANTS, Job Consultant News|4 Comments

Opening bank account in Australia from India

Opening bank account in Australia from India Each year scores of students, business owners and professionals come to Australia to realise their dreams. Over the last two decades travel companies have emerged to become a full fledged travel-solutions-company by offering plethora of travel specialized services such as Airport pickup, Accommodation Services, Job consultancy and relocation [...]