When did first Indians arrive in Australia

When did first Indians Arrive in Australia Indian Migrants have journeyed to Australia for more than 100 years now. It is said that the first Indian had come to Australia as a part of Captain Cook's ship. Later on some of Indian also participated in the rush for gold on the Victorian fields. As both [...]

Tips for Avoiding Migration Fraud

6 Tips for Avoiding Migration Fraud   Migration fraud and related scams are exactly what they sound like. Fraud may involve attempting to emigrate to any country through false purposes, which violate the country's immigration laws. It can also refer to fraudulent websites, emails, mail and communications. Scams often try to convince individuals to share [...]

By | 2017-06-28T06:38:43+00:00 February 6th, 2017|AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION, Job Consultant News|0 Comments

7 рrivilеgе оf Auѕtrаliаn сitizеnѕhiр

7 рrivilеgе оf Auѕtrаliаn сitizеnѕhiр If уоu are knоwn аѕ a сitizеn of a particular nаtiоn, it wоuld mean thаt you are officially rесоgnizеd tо be a formal mеmbеr оf thе соuntrу. Onсе you bесоmе a citizen of Auѕtrаliа, this would be really ѕignifiсаnt аѕ уоu саn еаѕilу get a bоnd оf rесоgnitiоn bу the [...]

By | 2017-06-28T06:39:05+00:00 February 3rd, 2017|AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION|0 Comments

Australian dollars you can take to Australia

Australian dollars you can take to Australia If you are planning to travel to Australia than it is obvious that you will have to carry some cash with you. When you will search for the maximum cash amount allowed, to carry to Australia, you will see $10,000 figure almost everywhere. But it is not a [...]

Various Australian Visa Types

Various Australian Visa Types If you want to move to Australia then there are a lot of things that you need to remember. After all, you need to think about the type of visa you want to apply for and you also need to think about how long it will take you to obtain that [...]

By | 2017-01-14T10:17:00+00:00 June 29th, 2016|AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION, Job Consultant News|2 Comments

Exchanging Australian dollar

Exchanging Australian dollar When you are flying to Australia, buying Australian dollar from a wrong place can cost you as much as a dinner for two at a good restaurant. Studies show that scores of unwary travelers each year end up paying on an average more than $200 extra during currency exchange at the airport’s [...]

By | 2017-12-31T04:22:18+00:00 April 28th, 2016|AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION, Job Consultant News|2 Comments

During Australian migration process, only carry what is required

Don’t be in fog! During Australian migration process, only carry what is required We all know that while travelling one and all desires to pack light. But in India especially if you are a student than certainly it is going to be a herculean task. As we all know that Indian families and above all [...]

By | 2017-09-20T05:43:58+00:00 September 12th, 2015|AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION, Job Consultant News|0 Comments

Know your correct visa type

Know your correct visa type Whenever I watch long serpentine queue outside visa office, I feel bit anxious. You must be thinking that brain drain problem might be the issue behind this. Brain drain certainly is a big concern of worry, but what frightens me more is that most of the people dreaming to settle [...]

By | 2017-12-31T07:53:09+00:00 August 26th, 2015|AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION, Job Consultant News|0 Comments

We are well settled in India, should we apply for PR and migrate to Australia

We are well settled in India, should we apply for PR and migrate to Australia? We have been asked this question so many times so we thought it’s important we write down our views on this question. Q1) Is my decision to migrate to Australia right or wrong? Migrating to Australia is undoubtable the right [...]

By | 2018-02-08T13:59:40+00:00 January 28th, 2015|AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION, Job Consultant News|4 Comments

Why India is Australia’s biggest source of migrants

Moving from India to Australia is a dream for many people back home which I surely can relate to it. If someone asks me whether it’s worth coming to Australia. I always tell them to visit it once and find out yourselves. Australian culture and attitude to life is unique and every Indian needs to [...]

By | 2017-01-14T10:18:00+00:00 January 16th, 2015|AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION, Job Consultant News|0 Comments