Indian connection – Media

Indian connection - Media Indian connection is thankful for the encouragement it received through nomination of Daily telegraph Fair Go competition 2015 ,it's just a tiny step towards achieving a collaborative 'One Indian Community in Oz'helping each other to flourish in the 'New country'.Our aim is to enable every Indian in Australia with resources to  [...]

By | 2017-12-31T12:28:14+00:00 March 8th, 2015|alltestimonials|0 Comments

India Australia business community awards

India Australia business community awards India Australia Business & Community Awards (IABCA) , a national initiative that showcase the best of India from a cultural and business perspective while celebrating migrant entrepreneurship in Australia.In the year 2014 our founder was nominated for the Young community achiever award and was Finalist of this prestigious award.The nomination [...]

By | 2017-12-31T03:28:07+00:00 October 20th, 2014|alltestimonials|0 Comments