Indian community in Australia has grown exponentially in last decade and continue to grow. With increase in the number of Indian migrants there is an increased amount of collaboration among the migrant population to organise various events throughout the year.

Various organisation depending open there skill set organise event celebrating Indian festivals, fund raiser, Bollywood events and many more

These events are quite popular among the Indian in Australia population who often look forward for something to spend their time on a weekend. Even more its gives them an opportunity to socialise and meet like minded people, network and be a part of the Little India in Australia.

Through this Tag of the blog we at Indianconnection are making sure that all our readers have the visibility of the events happening in and around Australia. We also give an opportunity for the event organisers to advertise here on our website to reach out to our readers.

Indian events Australia is the way of living for Indian in Australia and it has both its upsides and downsides. The upsides is definitely it promotes great collaboration and social well being among Indian people in Australia. On the downside many Indian also stay away from the main stream population of Australia and don’t tend to mingle with other cultures of Australia.

Overall whatever people may say Indian events Australia is a good business proposition for new migrants looking for extra cash and who love entertaining people. The events business has given a Segway too many Indian people opening bouquet hall and catering businesses.

Indian events Australia is a genuine fun loving experience which everyone should be a part of it and extend its visibility to greater audience among Australian population. Australian are always open to embrace new culture and enjoy new things especially food.

Celebrations for our local community of mums

Indian connection proud supporter of  a Diwali  presents 'Dazzling Divas' in association with Apsaraa Hair. We warmly invite its readers to the Diwali celebrations on Friday,21 October 2016 from 6:00 pm till 11 pm at The Grand Marion,Harris park NSW. Come along and have a night out from the stresses of home and bring a friend who [...]

By | 2018-07-07T06:01:44+00:00 September 8th, 2016|INDIAN EVENTS AUSTRALIA|0 Comments

Eat as much as you can

Indian Connection is the proud supporter of The Annual Dinner and Dance night by RA Entertainment warmly invites its valued customers to DABANGG-The Bollywood Style family night out on Saturday 20th August 2016 from 6 pm onwards at The Madison Function Centre Dural. What is DABANGG-The Bollywood Style family night? 'DABANGG' is a concept designed to [...]

Sydney Film Festival hosting INDIAN Films

Sydney Film Festival are hosting interesting INDIAN films in the month of June.We want to make sure you don't miss these award winning INDIAN films so we have compiled the list for you to browse through. Court Sydney Film Festival Winner of the Orizzonti Prize at Venice, Chaitanya Tamhane’s feature-film debut takes an [...]

Family event Dinner Dance

Family event Dinner Dance We are proud to be part of yet another Family event Dinner and Dance. 'Mughal-E-Azam 'as the name suggests its a family dinner night out in the ‘Emperor of Mughals’ style full of flavor ,color and presentation which gives it this rich and wealthy name. It is supported by a great [...]

Two countries, Two celebrations ,One big day tomorrow

Two countries, Two celebrations ,One big day tomorrow. 26 January is when when India celebrates its 68th 'Republic day' and Australia celebrates its 'Australia Day'.A show case of their respective cultures and proud history. For Indian in Australia its a moment to reflect back to our country of birth 'India' and the country which provides [...]

By | 2017-01-25T10:53:03+00:00 January 25th, 2015|INDIAN EVENTS AUSTRALIA, Job Consultant News|0 Comments

Accommodation options for Indian moving to Australia

Accommodation is one of the main concerns for Indian moving to Australia. Whether you are a visitor, student, a recent immigrant you definitely need accommodation and since it is one of the main expenses you need to know your options. There are different types of accommodation available in addition to rental accommodation in Australia. 1)Home stay [...]

Celebration to impress special someone this Valentines Day

Celebration guaranteed to impress that special someone this Valentine's DayEver imagined celebrating Valentine’ day with family & kids, think no more. Spreading love shouldn't be that hard. To help ‘spread the love’ RAentertainment is organizing a Valentine’s special night at The Grand Marion  at Harris Park on Saturday the 14 Feb 2015.So pick up your phone [...]

By | 2017-01-14T09:48:59+00:00 January 12th, 2015|INDIAN EVENTS AUSTRALIA, Job Consultant News|0 Comments

Sydney New Year eve fireworks

Sydney New Year eve fireworks event has become more, and more, and more popular, over the years and is something that needs to be plan ahead if you are in Sydney. It infact draws larger crowds then Paris, London, Berlin and New York fireworks and pumps $156 million dollars to the local economy. Watch the [...]

By | 2017-12-31T11:40:46+00:00 December 29th, 2014|INDIAN EVENTS AUSTRALIA, Job Consultant News|0 Comments

Don’t Miss |First time in Oz|Sydney Opera House|Lit to Celebrate Diwali

Its Celebration time in Australia for Indian community as they celebrate Diwali 2014 ‘The festival of lights, which coincidentally falls on the 41st birthday week of Sydney Opera House. Joern Utzon's famous creation ‘Sydney Opera House’is instantly recognised by millions worldwide as an Australian cultural icon and for the first time in history of Australia [...]

By | 2017-01-14T09:49:56+00:00 October 20th, 2014|INDIAN EVENTS AUSTRALIA, Job Consultant News|0 Comments

How Indian Australia celebrate festivals in Australia

How Indian Australia celebrate festivals in Australia While the season of festivals is about to kick start back home in India, Indians in Australia don’t let the distance impact the spirit of celebrations over here in Australia. The street on Diwali night definitely resonates with Christmas here in Australia, where Indian decorate and illuminate their [...]