Settling down after separation in Australia

Settling down after separation in Australia Recently a single mother who had left Australia after separation from her husband contacted us in regards to her intention to come back to Australia and settle down with her kids. Settling down as a single father/mother is difficult and most emotional situation for man/woman in the Indian community. [...]

Personal security tips in Australia

Personal security tips in Australia Security and personal safety is a matter of common sense and awareness. With the recent tragic brutal killing of our fellow Indian techie, a reminder to all to exercise caution. While crime of such nature is not a common occurrence, they might occur and chances are very low thus making [...]

Airport pickup at Sydney airport

Airport pickup at Sydney airport Australia is one of the key services which Indianconnection provides to its clients. Through this service Indianconnection consultants meet and greet the newcomer at Sydney and drop them safely to their new home. During the whole process from Airport to home Indian connection consultant makes sure the client is up [...]

Best place to live for Indian in Sydney

Best place to live for Indian in Sydney Sydney is an important entry point for many Indians new arrivals to Australia due to variety of reasons. More job opportunities, high number of education institution and business attract Indian migrants to Sydney. Its Australia’s largest and most internationally recognised city, so often believed to be the [...]

A guide for Indian travelling to Australia

A guide for Indian travelling to Australia It’s been a while since I came to Australia now and with time flying away (13 years now); my only fear was that I might lose touch with India and its people. So I came up with an idea of helping out Indian community through my website Indian [...]

Accommodation options for Indian moving to Australia

Accommodation is one of the main concerns for Indian moving to Australia. Whether you are a visitor, student, a recent immigrant you definitely need accommodation and since it is one of the main expenses you need to know your options. There are different types of accommodation available in addition to rental accommodation in Australia. 1)Home stay [...]

Sending money to India from Australia

Sending money to India from Australia If you are newcomer to Australia and want to send money to India, then familiarizing yourself with the terms like exchange rates, current conversion charges, transfer charges ,time to transfer can help you make a better decision to compare the  different ways to transfer money to India and getting [...]

By | 2017-12-30T10:00:42+00:00 August 24th, 2014|AUSTRALIAN SETTLEMENT GUIDES, Job Consultant News|Comments Off on Sending money to India from Australia

Alternative ways to earn Australian dollars

Alternative ways to earn Australian dollars While your day Job would be the ideal source of continuous  income,there are alternative ways to earn Australian Dollars in the interim while you are looking for a Job in Australia. This is not an idea of getting rich quickly but with due persistence, in long term definitely helps in [...]

By | 2017-05-09T10:04:49+00:00 August 18th, 2014|AUSTRALIAN SETTLEMENT GUIDES, Job Consultant News|Comments Off on Alternative ways to earn Australian dollars

Airport pick up

A secure and friendly airport pickup and delivery service to and from airport to your new accommodation in Australia. Our representatives are available Australia wide and are friendly, courteous and professional. We provide Airport pick up Australia wide with options to book a taxi for your or personalized professional pickup.Depending upon your budget,number of people travelling [...]

By | 2017-09-20T05:40:55+00:00 July 15th, 2014|AUSTRALIAN SETTLEMENT GUIDES, home_page|0 Comments